The galleries assembled here present a sampling of my work loosely gathered under six headings:
Architecture: I seek out particular elements of great architecture when I travel. I am drawn to great modernist masters, such as Mies and Corbu, but equally those that came after and the odd piece of anonymous work that I have not been able to find the author of. I seek out these great structures and try to absorb the aura and when I am lucky capture distilled elements on film.
Human-scapes: Little remains of the raw origins of our planet. Most every bit of landscape has some kind of human imprint. I like the middle distance where nature and man meet in some semblance of harmony. Great examples are everywhere. Not all work on film, but some – I think – do.
Public sculpture: Public access to great sculpture and how we interact with it is fascinating. Some stand back in reverence and allow space between them and the work, others – often children – have no hang-ups, nor learned respect and see an object for play and fun.
Henry Moore: I make a point of seeking out public Henry Moore sculptures when I travel. I seek them out, and if I can I find a way to make a reasonable photograph, I try to do so. If I think it is successful, it may show up here.
Alone: Single figures in an environment can be loaded with meaning, when you set the frame and make the image. Sad, introspective, melancholy, happy, distressed…. it is for the viewer to decide and interpret. It is only for me to make the image and place it here.
Together: Interplay between people in a space is in some ways the opposite of ‘alone’. I make my story, the one seeing the photograph for the first time can make their story, and maybe a second story, if coming back for another look.
I am not active on social media beyond this website. You can reach me at:
Enjoy and thank you for your visit!